Maryland Green Party 2022 Assembly and Bylaws voting
Register for the assembly
Sunday June 12th is the Maryland Green Party Annual Assembly, The Assembly will take place via zoom from 1:00 PM- 5:00 PM. Register here
Baltimore City Green Party Steering Committee Member Andy Ellis served as the BGP representative to the Maryland Green Party Bylaws Review and Rules committee this year. Below is his report of the process and the recommendations of the committee.
The voting on bylaws is open to all registered Greens in Maryland. voting ends at Noon on June12th.
Read the details of the amendments and the rationale of the committee.
Request your ballot
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Help Make Baltimore Transit More Equitable!
Baltimore Greens, have you heard about the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition (BTEC)? They are currently hard at work on an initiative to give communities like ours more say in choosing the transportation projects that work for us and our neighbors!
As many of you know, Baltimore’s public transit systems are in poor shape because the state refuses to abandon its segregationist policies in public transportation and to allocate the funding the region needs to implement change. What’s more, these state-run systems focus their service on white and wealthy neighborhoods, while low-income persons of color (POC) neighborhoods are left cut off from the rest of the city. This unequal service means people in these neighborhoods have to wait longer for buses and have double the commute times as residents of other neighborhoods in the city.
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Baltimore City Green Party Calls for Reform of Maryland State Ethics Commission
On the 2-year anniversary of an ethics complaint against Governor Larry Hogan, the Baltimore City Green Party is calling on the Maryland State Ethics Commission and Maryland General Assembly to reform how ethics complaints are processed.
Originally filed on February 20, 2020, by Kevin Zeese, Esq. (deceased), the ethics complaint was against Gov. Hogan regarding his unethical use of Maryland transportation policy to funnel money to projects adjacent to his real estate holdings while in office.
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Baltimore City Green Party 2021 Accomplishments and Reflections
The Baltimore City Green Party (BGP) recognizes the grimness of 2021, but also its vibrant solidarity. As we look forward to the work that lies ahead in 2022, we reflect on our Local Party’s many successes last year as well as those of our members.
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Baltimore Green Party 2021 Year in Review
Even as COVID-19 (and its variants) continued to cast a dark shadow, a number of Baltimore City Green Party (BGP) members remained dedicated to improving the Baltimore community over the past year. From running in local elections to writing editorials, BGP had a lot to be proud of in 2021. To honor these efforts, we've compiled a list highlighting some of these accomplishments.
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Maryland Green Party Bylaws- Voting Closes Saturday
The Maryland Green Party is considering two bylaw amendments and all registered Green voters in the state can vote.Voting closes at noon on Saturday December 11th, so get your ballot request in now.
You can read about the bylaw amendments here
and you can request your ballot here
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BGP Book Club Coming in January of 2022
The Baltimore City Green Party (BGP) will be starting a book club in 2022 focused on understanding the way apartheid institutions have been built in Baltimore and beyond, and how to begin to implement racial justice solutions that repair that damage.
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BGP to Offer Candidate Training in 2022
Starting in January 2022, the Baltimore City Green Party will offer a series of campaign training workshops for Green candidates and volunteers. Although the focus will be on Baltimore City, we will also invite candidates and volunteers from across the state of Maryland and throughout the country.
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New BGP Steering Committee Elected
The Baltimore City Green Party held an election for the new Steering Committee and the results are in!
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Meet BGP Steering Committee Candidates
On Oct. 3, 2021, at 5 p.m., the Baltimore City Green Party (BGP) will hold a meeting to introduce the 2021 candidates for the Steering Committee.
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