The Baltimore City Green Party held an election for the new Steering Committee and the results are in!
After a meeting with candidates in early October, Baltimore City Green Party members voted to elect a new Steering Committee, which facilitates work between General Membership meetings, oversees press and media activities, and serves as a primary liaison body with other organizations.
Steering Committee Results
- Andy Ellis received 12 Yes/No votes, 12 of them were Yes. Andy Ellis is elected.
- Ashley Esposito received 12 Yes/No votes, 12 of them were Yes. Ashley Esposito is elected.
- Craig Collins-Young received 11 Yes/No votes, 11 of them were Yes. Craig Collins-Young is elected.
- Dana Polson received 12 Yes/No votes, 12 of them were Yes. Dana Polson is elected.
Congratulations to incoming Steering Committee officers and thanks to all the members who voted.
Our new Steering Committee members will serve for 1 year, at which point, there will be a "roll-on, roll-off" period in which existing members of the Steering Committee can roll off and new members (up to 7) can roll on via an election by the BGP membership. If they don't want to roll off, they may serve for 2 years, according to our MGP Bylaws.
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