Greens have a lot of opportunities to participate in party and state run elections this summer.
Green Party Primary
Maryland provides state-run primary elections only for the two major parties. Minor parties are not eligible for these primaries. Thus, the Green Party gets to choose how it nominates its candidates for political office. We choose a primary in which each Green Voter gets to Vote. Read more about the Baltimore City Green Party Primary
Races with Primary:
- State Delegate 43A-Request A Ballot
Renaud Deaundre Brown- State Delegate District 43A -Website
Vote in the State Of Maryland Primary!
Did you know that in 2022 registered Greens able to participate in the non-partisan races, which will be held on July 19, 2022.
State of Maryland Run Primary for School Board-
Steering Committee Nominations
The Baltimore City Green Party is holding elections to fill vacancies for 1-3 positions.
More information is available here
Steering Committee Nominations
Tell Us About Yourself
We are working to get to know registered Greens better. Please take a moment to take our survey.