2022 Baltimore City Green Party Primary Election Information

Why does the Baltimore Green Party run its own primary?

In the state of Maryland only the two major corporate-funded parties can nominate their candidates via primary election administered by the State Board of Elections and paid for by taxpayers. “Non--Principal” parties and their voters are denied access to these primaries and left to figure out how to decide which candidates to endorse.

The Baltimore City Green Party believes that our registered voters should get to decide who our candidates are and has often used party run primaries to determine who our nominees are.

In 2019 we enshrined this as a party policy and we will conduct our 2022 candidate nomination process that way.

Read more about the two-party monopoly on primaries and green party alternatives

Description of the process

Candidates that have filed a State Board of Elections Declaration of Intent to run as a Green Party Candidate in Baltimore City can appear on the BGP primary ballot.

Primary voting runs from July 7th at 8:00 AM July 14th until 8:00 PM.

All Green voters in a district a candidate is running in will be able to request and cast a ballot. People disenfranchised from being able to register to vote, including people under 18 year old, people who are incarcerated, and people who are citizens of other countries, may request a ballot and vote in the Baltimore City Green Party 2022 Primary Election.

Requests for ballots can be made starting June 22nd using an online form that will be available on this site.

That ballot will list the name of any candidates seeking the nomination and will also include none of the above option.

Ranked Choice Voting will be used to determine winners.

Announcements of results will be made public after the closing of the balloting.

How to Run/Encourage others to run


Who is running


Request your ballot 