The Maryland Green Party is hosting an Emergency Assembly on November 20th,2021
New Steering Committee Elected In October of 2021 The Baltimore City Green Party held an election for new officers. Craig Collins-Young, Andy Ellis, Ashley Espositio, and Dana Polson were elected as new members of the steering committee. Read more about the elections here.
New Goals and Values. Over the last year the BGP has worked on a series of goals and values that will drive our work over the next several years. In the next few weeks we will share and explain each of these goals.
Book Club Starting in January the BGP is launching a book club focused on understanding the way apartheid institutions have been built in Baltimore and beyond and how to begin to implement racial justice solutions that repair that damage. The book club will be open to Greens and allies across the state. Read more about the book club here.
Candidate Training Starting in January of 2022 the BGP will offer a candidate training series for potential candidates and those interested in working on campaigns. The candidate training will be open to Greens and allies across the state. Read more about the candidate training here.
New Outreach Technology The BGP is working on implementing new technology that makes it easier for members and supporters to reach out to elected office holders to advocate for policy. Look for more information on this in early 2022.
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