The Baltimore City Green Party is seeking candidates for upcoming elections. Running as a Green Party candidate is an opportunity to advance Green values and solutions and to give voters an opportunity to have a choice outside of the one-party system here in Baltimore.
We encourage candidates to build their own campaign strategy and their own team, but we will connect you with volunteers and provide some campaign training opportunities.
Greens have a variety of reasons to run for office. Some run to win, others run to raise important issues. Some run to organize local parties, and others run simply to provide voters with a choice. Whatever your reason for running for office, it is an exciting opportunity to:
- Meet your neighbors.
- Connect with the issues in your community.
- Advocate for the change you would like to see.
2022 Elections in Maryland
The following is important information regarding our plans for the 2022 elections:
- The Baltimore City Green Party is ballot-qualified for the 2022 elections.
- The Baltimore City Green Party's nominations will depend on YOU! We want to nominate the strongest candidates in 2022. You can start proving your strength as a candidate by organizing your campaign now.
- You are allowed to establish a campaign finance entity and bank account NOW. As soon as you fulfill the requirements set out by the State Board of Elections, you can begin raising money and holding campaign events. DON'T WAIT! We are encouraging Green candidates to start organizing today.
- Once you fulfill the legal requirements and publicly declare your campaign, you can refer to yourself as a "Candidate seeking the Green Party's nomination."
- You are allowed to raise money, hold campaign events, and advertise yourself as a candidate before filing begins. There is no reason to wait!
Contact us at [email protected] to learn more.