You Can Help Make Baltimore Green

For a recurring donation of $15 Per month to the Baltimore Green Party, you can sustain our best opportunity yet to convince Baltimore City to#VoteGreen in 2016.

The Baltimore Green Party is preparing for a “Green Summer.”We believe that if we tell Baltimore about the choice to #VoteGreen they will. We are organizing for festivals and farmer's markets, we are producing new literature and materials, and from our office we are hosting a  broad coalition of community members and grassroots organizations to formulate a future looking solution based 21st century urban agenda

We don’t take corporate or PAC money like our Democrat and Republican opponents, but we do need money to compete with them. Your sustaining monthly donation of $15 today will help us in our goal to reach 100,000 voters this summer. Green values, Green  solutions and Green candidates can transform this city.

We have a great opportunity, but we we can’t do it without you.


Andy Ellis


Baltimore Green Party