The Maryland Green Party must collect 10,000 valid signatures to regain its status as a political party. The BGP will be supporting that effort by collecting signatures throughout the year.
We are seeking volunteers to help us with that process! There are two primary areas we need help with. collecting petitions and processing petitions.
Collecting Petitions
Collecting petitions involves going to farmers markets, fairs, festivals, and other places with a lot of people and asking them to sign the petition. We can provide training to anyone interested in doing this. The BGP also maintains a petitioning calendar to help volunteers identify places to go.
Processing Petitions - COMING SOON
Each petition needs to be checked to make sure that the name and address match what is on a voter's ID. Processing petitions i a task that can be done remotely and on can be at any pace. Training and tools will be provided.
If you would like to contribute to the ballot access effort but have a different idea please let us know by emailing [email protected]