Tabling and Flyering

Spring and summer is a time where we can reach a lot of voters at festivals, fairs, and farmers markets. It is a great way to recruit new members, collect contact information of supporters, and raise awareness of the Baltimore City Green Party.

Starting in June and running through October  there are opportunities for flyering and tabling at these events every day of the week and every weekend. We need a team of people that are able to help plan, organize and implement this effort. This includes

  • Keeping a Calendar of all FFF events

  • Coordinating Tabling applications and Fees

  • Recruiting Volunteers for flyering and tabling

  • Tabling and flyering at events

  • Coordinating Materials and sign up sheets

  • Table set up and presentations


If you are interested in tabling or flyering for the Green Party, you may consult our online calendar. Or, if there is an event that you think would be a good opportunity for the Baltimore City Green Party to appear at, contact us to organize: Hunt Hobbs at [email protected] and Andy Eliis at [email protected]