Stand Up For Baltimore Schools-Get Informed and Involved

Baltimore City Schools face a catastrophic $130 million budget shortfall.If City Schools have to absorb this shortfall it will radically change education in our city. If nothing is done about this we will see hundreds of teachers and other school based staff lose their jobs, larger class sizes, more unscheduled school closings,  and drastic cuts to the extracurricular and enrichment services that make students come to school.

This problem is quickly developing and will need a lot of attention between now and this spring when the final FY2018 Budget will be approved.

To avoid this pending catastrophe, we must be informed and involved.

There is a School Board meeting Tuesday February 14th, at 6:00 PM. It will occur in the 1st Floor Boardroom of the Baltimore City School Headquarters: 200 E. North Ave.

The agenda includes information about the FY 2018 Budget, which will likely include discussion of the cuts that are proposed and the strategy the school system proposes for avoiding them.

Before the public School Board meeting there will be a rally led by the Baltimore Teachers Union, show up at 5:00 and stand in solidarity!


Take the fight to Annapolis on February 23rd, when the Baltimore Education Coalition hosts a rally

The Baltimore Green Party will be following this issue and will continue to provide updates.

Useful Links:

Baltimore City Schools Budget Website

Final Report of the Study of Adequacy of Funding for Education in Maryland

Video of Baltimore City Council Education and Youth Committee