Protest Action for Public Housing This Friday

The Baltimore City Green Party will be joining residents of Douglass Homes to picket and protest for tenants' rights on Friday July 28th 11:30am-1pm at 1500 E Lexington St. (Facebook event link)


The residents of Douglass Homes in Baltimore City have been denied an election for a Tenant's Council and have therefore been denied access to funds for their community. On top of that, they are having basic rights denied - like the ability to have a BBQ or a kiddie pool. And the city is leaving vacant units empty.

We will picket outside the Douglass Homes Mangement Office to ask for a Tenant's Council election as our first demand.

The city is also going to start charging residents of public housing for water and gas even though many are living paycheck to paycheck. We say the city needs to charge businesses that are behind on their bills, not those who are struggling to rise up.

This is part of a national day of action to protect public housing!