BGP Live
The Baltimore City Green Party produces a series of educational videos on important issues in Baltimore and Maryland featuring knowledgeable guests such as activists and policy experts. Videos are streamed on Facebook Live at our page.
Israel-Palestine and the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement
April 30, 2017
Featuring Kim Jensen and Sammy Alqasem of Baltimore Palestine Solidarity, hosted by Margaret Flowers
Bail Reform
March 26, 2017
Featuring Dayvon Love, of Leaders Of A Beautiful Struggle and Andy Ellis, BGP Co-Chair
Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Ongoing Court Cases
March 5, 2017
Featuring Rashad Staton and DeJuan Patterson, moderated by Kevin Zeese
Response to Healthcare Policy in Donald Trump's Congressional Address
February 28, 2017
Featuring Margaret Flowers
Baltimore City Education Funding Crisis
February 19, 2017
Featuring 2016 Green Party mayoral candidate Joshua Harris, Baltimore City Public Schools educator Jesse Schneiderman, and BGP Co-Chair Andy Ellis