In Case You Missed It...
This week Baltimore City Green Party members Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese used their radio program to discuss Juneteenth, the holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, with historian Ana Edwards and activist Glen Ford. Click here to listen.
At BGP's general meeting on June 14th we elected a new Steering Committee. The members are co-chairs Andy Ellis and Annie Chambers, treasurer Connor Meek, membership coordinator Ty Alston, and organizer Hunt Hobbs. Additional spots on the committee remain open to nominations and approval by the party membership so please let us know if you are interested.
What Is Coming Up and How Can I Get Involved?
Maryland Green Party 2017 State Assembly. The Maryland Green Party's annual assembly will be held in Baltimore this year. Expect a day of speakers, panels, workshops, and networking with fellow Greens. The full agenda is available here. The assembly can broadly be divided into two halves: the morning session from 10am-11:30am will be dedicated to party business and is intended for party members. The afternoon session will be aimed at both party members and the general public, so please bring a friend. Speakers and panels will discuss topics such as party-building, environmental justice, universal healthcare, and more. Saturday June 24th 10am-4pm at Lovely Lane United Methodist Church, 2200 St. Paul St., Baltimore MD
Baltimore County GP June General Meeting. Baltimore City GP members are encouraged to collaborate with our friends and neighbors in the Baltimore County chapter. Tuesday June 20th 6:30-8:30pm at Towson Branch Library, 320 York Rd, Towson MD
Check Out the “Get Involved” Section of our Website. Here you can find details and contact info for many of our different activities and ways that you can contribute.
Our summer Canvassing and Phone Banking Drive continues. If you are interested in reaching out to your fellow Greens, especially ones who may live in your neighborhood, please contact Ty Alston at [email protected]
Further Down the Line...
MGP Potluck Picnic Sunday July 16th 12-7pm at Double Rock Park, Parkville MD
Shared Events
These are non-BGP events submitted by members that you may find of interest.
Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women. A discussion of black women as intellectuals from the 1800's to today. Thursday June 22nd 7:30-9pm at Red Emma's, 30 W North Ave