Today starts and exciting week for the Baltimore Green Party, leading up to the Green Party and Rally Friday night.
Today, Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Ajamu Baraka will be on the Marc Steiner Show on WEAA from 10:00-1045 AM. You can listen live at 88.9 or online at
Later in the Day Ajamu Baraka will join Green Party Candidates Joshua Harris(Baltimore Mayor), Dr. Margaret Flowers (United States Senate) and Ian Schlakman(Baltimore City Council 12th District)a for Speak-out and Sleep out focused on issues of Homeless ,housing and poverty. (Download the Flyer Here)
Tomorrow, evening at Morgan State University Baraka will Join Dr. Jared Ball for a conversation with students about youth, politics, race and political power.
Friday of this week Baraka, will join Jill Stein and a full slate of speakers, activists and artists for "The Green Party!" a rally and party at the Downtown Cultural Arts Center at 6:30 PM.(RSVP today so we can have a good count)