Sharing Seeds
In the spring and summer the Baltimore City Green Party plans to be out in the community, talking to our members, recruiting new voters, and spreading Green Party values and solutions.
We don’t just want to hand out literature that represents our values, we want to share something that embodies our values. Building on a successful and cost effective campaign strategy employed by 2016 City Council Candidate Andreas “Spilly” Spiliadis we will be handing out seed packets as literature.
During the spring, summer, and fall of 2017 we will select a variety of seasonally appropriate non-gmo organic seeds from reputable providers and hand them out all over the city.
Saving Seeds
At the end of the season we want to collect seeds so that we can do this again next year! We will provide opportunities for members to give us back seeds, and to save their own. At several points during the season we will have seed saving workshops and will always be collecting new seeds.
Seed saving is a great way to maintain local growing strains and to build community.
Share Your Growth
The Baltimore City Green Party will post updates and growing tips as we roll out new seed varieties, we encourage you to share your experience with our seeds and and pictures of the plants they grow.
Growing requires sharing and community building so that we can all learn from one another!