Green Party Supports Plastic Bag Ban, Calls for Significant Additional Action to Address Climate Crisis

The Baltimore City Green Party urges the City Council to approve - and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to sign - a ban on single-use plastic shopping bags as a first step to meaningful action on the climate crisis. 

"In September 400,000 people - including many Baltimoreans - marched in New York City to call for serious new limits on pollution. The march was targeted at the United Nations, but the city of Baltimore can take action to address the climate crisis as well," said Ian Schlakman, 2014 Green Party nominee for U.S. House of Representatives, District 2.

The Baltimore City Green Party urges city leaders to introduce and pass legislation to:

-Ban garbage incineration through the city of Baltimore.

-Establish car-free zones - which would allow pedestrian, bicycle and bus traffic only - throughout the city.

-Establish sufficient recycling facilities so 100% of materials collected through the city's recycling programs are recycled without reselling to third parties or shipment outside the city.

-Mandate new commercial and multi-unit residential construction install solar and/or wind power generation.

"The climate crisis is real and will not be solved without leadership from cities - like Baltimore - in which people of color and people living in the poorest neighborhoods are most affected by pollution," said Schlakman. "We urge city leaders to prove that we can improve the quality of life for the Earth and the people of Baltimore by taking responsibility for the resources we use and the waste we produce."