The Baltimore Green Party appreciates the State Board of Elections looking into the process by which the Democrats and the Republicans ran their primaries. We trust that a review of this process will make it more likely that Green Party candidates will be dealt with fairly when they appear on the general election ballot in November.
The votes of all the citizens of Baltimore, whether or not they choose to affiliate with a major party, should be counted when the outcome ultimately determines who will govern this City and not merely who has the right to represent the Republicans and the Democrats on the November ballot.
On that ballot Joshua Harris will be contesting the Mayor's race, Connor Meek will be contesting the race for President of City Council. Green Party candidates will also be on the ballot for City Council Districts 3,6, 9, 10 and 12.
The Baltimore Green Party choose its nominees for the November general election in a party run primary on May 1st and no controversy ensued.