The Baltimore Green Party Primary is coming up May 1st and now is crucial time to learn about your candidates.
We have a contested mayoral primary with three candidates vying for the Green Party nomination:Joshua Harris, Emanuel McCray, David Marriott
This Saturday March 19th, from 4-7 PM we are hosting the Baltimore Green Party Meet and Greet at our office located at 100. E 23rd St, Baltimore MD.
We also encourage you to check out the League of Women Voters , Baltimore Sun, and City Paper election guides. This year these guides include all Green Candidates.
You can also listen to rebroadcasts of all 3 of the mayoral candidates on WYPR and two candidates (McCray and Marriott) on WEAA.
CityExplainer.Com has also livestreamed several forums including Green Party Mayoral candidates.
Feb. 16, 2016, 7:30 pm ET – Baltimore Mayoral Candidate Forum, hosted by Mt. Vernon-Belvedere Association and Charles Street Development Corp. Location: The Belvedere. (Includes all 3 mayoral candidates)
Feb. 24, 2016, 7 pm ET – Citywide Mayoral Forum, hosted by Open Society Institute – Baltimore, Associated Black Charities, and CityPaper. Location: Pleasant Hope Baptist Church. (Includes Harris and McCray)
March 7, 2016, 6-7:30 pm ET – Citizen Artist Baltimore Mayoral Forum on Arts and Culture, hosted by Citizen Artist Baltimore, the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance (GBCA), Maryland Citizens for the Arts (MCA), and the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation along with the Maryland Institute College of Art. (Includes Harris).
With a little over one month left before the primary we encourage you to get involved in this exciting primary and choose who you want representing the Green Party in the November General Election.
Andy Ellis
Baltimore Green Party