The Baltimore City Green Party believes that healthcare is a human right. We have a strong record of fighting for equitable, affordable healthcare—challenging the corrupt two-party system that has consistently prioritized the financial interests of insurance companies and HMOs over the basic needs of the people. BGP members and candidates have been—and will remain—at the forefront of the struggle for an improved, national Medicare-for-all system. At the state level, we will continue to advocate for progressive reforms in Annapolis that will bring greater access to high-quality healthcare—including mental, dental, and vision care—to all Maryland residents.
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Medicare for All activist
As a first measure, Green party delegates will fight to remove the profit-driven insurance industry from Maryland Medicaid administration, which will reduce overhead costs by as much as 37%. Similar policies have been successful in Connecticut and can be implemented effectively in Maryland. In addition, Dr. Drew Pate, our candidate for the MD House of delegates in Northwest Baltimore's 41st District, has a viable plan to create community-based clinics in neighborhoods and schools with the greatest health disparities across the state. These free or low-cost clinics will be funded by asking the wealthy, multi-billion dollar hospitals, which receive non-profit status, to contribute a realistic and reasonable share.
These two state-level reforms will increase access and decrease the cost of health care for our communities most in need while we continue the fight at the national level. The Green Party has advocated for a universal single payer plan as a central plank in its platform since its inception, and is encouraged to see the basic human right of healthcare moving to the mainstream of the broader progressive movement.