BGP-Speaker Series-Lawrence Grandpre

*This event is open to all who are interested in learning more about how community control is a necessary element of social justice and grassroots democracy.*

The Baltimore City Green Party welcomes Lawrence Grandpre to discuss his research on grassroots democracy and community control.

Lawrence is the Creative Director at the New Timbuktu Project, a digital research and content platform where community and scholars unite to seek serious, in-depth analysis on how to best address the most pressing problems facing the Black community.  Lawrence will discuss his theory of community control and will offer examples of how this philosophy can be applied in terms of cannabis legalization, policing, development, and budgeting.

Community control is a core tenenet of the Baltimore City Green Party’s Accountable from Day 1 campaign. One of the most important distinctions between Green Politics and progressive politics is that a pillar of Green political philosophy is grassroots democracy. Grassroots democracy means that communities should have democratic  control over the institutions and resources that are allocated to them.

There will be a Q & A period at the end of the presentation. The event will provide English to Spanish interpretation

Zoom Link:

  • February 23, 2021 at 7:00pm – 8:30pm
  • Andy Ellis
