The Baltimore Green Party will host a debate between the three candidates seeking the Green nomination for Mayor on Tuesday April 19th, at 7:00 PM. The debate will occur at James McHenry Recreation Center located at 911 Hollins St, Baltimore, MD 21223.
The event is open to the public but seating is limited and first priority goes to registered Green Party members. Please RSVP here
All three candidates(Joshua Harris, David Marriott, Emanuel McCray) have agreed to participate. The debate will be moderated by Roberto Alejandro. Roberto Alejandro is a former fast food worker, transit bus driver, assistant book preservationist, hospital interpreter, and handyman. He has also done some reporting in Baltimore City, and currently writes for
Registered Green voters will have the chance to vote in the Maryland Green Party Primary, May 1st. Baltimore City residents can vote in person at the Baltimore Green Party headquarters at 100 E. 23rd St.
This contested Mayoral Primary race and this debate are a historic first for the Baltimore Green Party since their inception in 2000. In addition to Mayor, registered Green voters can vote for US Senate, US House, President of the City Council and five City Council candidates. Green Party presidential primary ballots will also be available May 1st.
Andy Ellis Co-Chair of the Baltimore Green Party said “ Green candidates up and down the ballot have received unprecedented attention this election season. This is a chance, before our primary, for our candidates to debate one another in front of an audience of Green voters.” Ellis continued “ This is a transformative election for Baltimore and we know the people of this city want good choices in the November general election. This debate is a key part of Green voters choosing a Mayoral candidate who can contest the General election for the first time in decades.”
The format for the debate will be:
1st question: Opening Statement
Moderator Questions: 90 seconds for questions posed to them directly, 45 seconds for follow up, 45 seconds if their name is used.
Some questions will be directed at all 3 candidates, some questions will be directed at 1 candidate
Audience Questions: Can be directed at one candidate or the whole panel.Same rules apply.
Closing Statement : 90 seconds