Baltimore Green Party Encourages Candidates to Build Campaigns for 2016

The Baltimore City Green Party is committed to nominating candidates for the 2016 city elections.

Candidates are encouraged to begin developing campaigns immediately. Candidates are authorized to declare publicly that they are "seeking the nomination of the Green Party."

Candidates are encouraged to establish a campaign finance entity and legally raise funds to support their campaign. Candidates are urged to familiarize themselves with state law regarding candidacy and campaign finance.

According to state law, candidates must declare their intent to seek the Green Party's nomination for the next city and federal election on or before the July 1, 2016.

After this date, the Baltimore City Green Party will hold a primary election to determine its nominees for Mayor, President of the City Council, City Council, and Comptroller.

Nominees for President of the United States, U.S Senate and U.S. House will be determined under rules established by the Maryland Green Party.