The Baltimore City Green Party calls for the Maryland General Assembly to support equity in planning and construction of transit state-wide, and has endorsed the passage of the Transit Equity Act. The Act has been introduced as House Bill 9 and Senate Bill 19 in the 2023 General Assembly session.
The Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition works to promote transit projects designed to empower historically-disenfranchised communities, such as those affected by Governor Hogan' cancellation of the Red Line in favor of increased highway spending. As a Coalition member, the BGP supports legislative efforts to ensure that planning and spending decisions take racial, economic, and geographic equity into account.
"The Baltimore City Green Party has been a member of the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition since 2018 because we support its efforts to end discriminatory transit policies and practices," said Dana Polson, member of the BGP Steering Committee. "The BTEC has worked for years to build a regional transit authority for the Baltimore/Washington region and find ways to improve public transit for everyone, including those who have been victimized by transit inequities."
The Green Party supports major public investments in mass transportation, with an emphasis on developing ecologically-sound transit systems that provide safe, accessible, and free or inexpensive transportation options for the public.
The Baltimore City Green Party urges City officials, the Moore/Miller administration, and the Maryland General Assembly to take racial, economic and geographic equity into account in transit decisions, and will continue to work with the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition and others to build equity into transit planning in the future.