The Baltimore Green Party stands in solidarity with those protesting the police killing of Freddie Gray. The party hopes that protests will remain peaceful and achieve their goal of shining a national spotlight on the need for police conduct reforms and justice for the family of Freddie Gray.
While members of the Baltimore Green Party are participating in local protests, the party continues its strategy for long-term electoral reform by working to challenge city and state officials who fail to protect the citizens of the City of Baltimore.
According to an investigation by The Baltimore Sun, nearly $6 million in city funds have been paid in the last five years to settle over 100 lawsuits alleging police brutality and other misconduct by Baltimore police officers. The Green Party's electoral strategy seeks to elect city officials who will prevent - not hide - police brutality.
The city of Richmond, CA - led by Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, a Green Party member - established a series of reforms that has nearly eliminated police violence toward citizens while dramatically decreasing the city's violent crime rate.
The Green Party is also working statewide to challenge members of the Maryland General Assembly who are unwilling to commit to the transparency required to establish trust between citizens and police.
The Green Party calls for reforms to the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights, which currently shields violent and law-breaking police officers from transparent public oversight and discipline from their commanding officers.
The Baltimore Green Party urges citizens who share the party's vision for long-term electoral reform to seek the party's nomination for City elections in 2016.
While members of the Baltimore Green Party are participating in local protests, the party continues its strategy for long-term electoral reform by working to challenge city and state officials who fail to protect the citizens of the City of Baltimore.
According to an investigation by The Baltimore Sun, nearly $6 million in city funds have been paid in the last five years to settle over 100 lawsuits alleging police brutality and other misconduct by Baltimore police officers. The Green Party's electoral strategy seeks to elect city officials who will prevent - not hide - police brutality.
The city of Richmond, CA - led by Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, a Green Party member - established a series of reforms that has nearly eliminated police violence toward citizens while dramatically decreasing the city's violent crime rate.
The Green Party is also working statewide to challenge members of the Maryland General Assembly who are unwilling to commit to the transparency required to establish trust between citizens and police.
The Green Party calls for reforms to the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights, which currently shields violent and law-breaking police officers from transparent public oversight and discipline from their commanding officers.
The Baltimore Green Party urges citizens who share the party's vision for long-term electoral reform to seek the party's nomination for City elections in 2016.
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