Donate to Help Baltimore Green Party Run Our 2016 Primary
A gift of $5, $10 or $25 today helps the Baltimore Green Party turnout our voters for our party run primary.
Maryland does not have tax payer funded primaries for "third parties" which means that in this exciting election year with our first ever contested Mayoral primary, and 6 other energized candidates campiagning for seats on the city council, The Baltimore Green Party has to run its own primary at its own cost.
Your donation today will help us to:
- - print ballots and mail them to voters
- - secure a venue for a Green Party Mayoral debate
- - notify voters about mail and in-person voting.
- - run a polling place on May 1st.
Anything funds not spent on the primary will help us as we go into an exciting summer of campaigning!
Thank You.
Baltimore Green Party