Take action for transit equity today! Tell your legislators in Annapolis to support the Transportation Equity Analysis and Assurances Act of 2021 (HB1204).
On March 7, 2021, the Baltimore City Green Party endorsed the Transportation Equity Analysis and Assurances Act of 2021 (HB1204) at the request of our partners in the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition.
The bill would make equity a central goal of all transit planning in Maryland.
Why HB1204 and Equitable Transportation Is Necessary
Maryland has a shamefully long history of racist transportation policies, from highways built through and dividing Black communities to the cancelation of the Red Line route, which would have provided urgently-needed access to jobs for residents in low-income, redlined communities in Baltimore and regional economy-transforming, transit-oriented-development (TOD).
Equitable transportation will play a key role in dismantling systemic racism by:
- Increasing access to good jobs, schools, education, and healthy food.
- Providing incentives for community economic development.
- Reducing smog, air pollution, and heat islands, which disproportionately impact Black communities.
- The advocacy brief
- An Action Network Link
- A sample email to legislators
- Sample testimony
- Some sample tweets.
The hearing for this bill is this week, so take action today!
Equitable transit is a top priority of BGP's Accountable Day 1 campaign.