Brian Bittner, 443-449-3159
Green Party US Senate Candidate, Margaret Flowers, Endorses Plan to
Prosecute Wall Street
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Maryland, has become the first candidate
in the nation to endorse the action plan to end Wall Street corruption proposed by Bank Whistleblowers
The group of financial fraud experts has drafted a 19-point plan that could be fully implemented within 60
days without any action by Congress required.
“The Bank Whistleblowers United plan comes at a critical time,” Flowers said. “The U.S. economy -- in
fact the global economy, too -- is on shaky ground. Since the beginning of this year, the stock market has
been faltering, the fundamentals of the economy are flawed and many economic experts say that a crash is
coming, which could be more devastating than 2008. It is just a question of when.”
Flowers and Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein, who is the first presidential candidate to
endorse the plan, make the case for the financial fraud experts proposal in an op-ed for TruthDig. They
write, “To create a finance system that works for everyone, the next president needs to commit to taking
on Wall Street, restoring the rule of law and rooting out corruption. We invite all presidential candidates
to join us in endorsing the 19-point plan.”
Among the plan’s proposals are these:
Restore the mandatory criminal referral process and Criminal Referral Coordinators at every
financial regulatory agency
The FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) will publicly terminate their “partnership” with the
Mortgage Bankers Association
Ban DOJ from making deferred prosecution agreements with elite white-collar criminals
Reassign 500 FBI agents to the white-collar crime section
Revamp the federal treatment of whistleblowers and False Claim Act complainants to encourage
their efforts and use them to hold financial elites personally accountable
(The full 19 point plan can be found at
“The reality is that there are no ethics on Wall Street. Everyone is playing against each other and using
whatever tools there are -- even some they do not fully understand -- to make money without regard to the
impact they will have on others,” Flowers and Stein argue. “This behavior occurs because those involved
are getting away with it and raking in millions, if not billions, of dollars as their reward. If fraud creates
wealth, people will engage in it until they are stopped.” (The full op-ed can be found at
Green Party U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Margaret Flowers is a Maryland pediatrician and co-director of Dr. Flowers is a board adviser to Physicians for a National Health Program and is
on the leadership council of the Maryland Health Care Is a Human Right campaign.
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